Friday, November 5, 2010

Platters with Imprints

Tomorrow is my Studio Sale.  Everything is set up and ready.  All I have left to do is bake some cookies, warm the brie, make the cider and put out the balloons and signs. 

Yesterday my work was interupted by a flood from our shower.  There was a break in our sewer line that had filled up with either mud or tree roots.  We were doing laundry and it backed up very quickly.

The rectangular platter was one of my attempts at hand building.  I really like the dragonfly imprints.  Hopefully this week I can make some more like it with different shapes and imprints.  I need to get a slab roller soon, since now I am using a rolling pin to roll out the slab.

I have also been working on adding new textures to my pieces.  These leaves were made by using a drawer knob as a stamp.

1 comment:

Linda Starr said...

what a bummer about the sewer, nice imprints and great idea. have a good sale.